Message: Welcome to GIFTABILITY, we are glad you made it.
The GIFTABILITY team is made up of our staff, donors, volunteers, ambassadors, and the board of directors. We are united by our drive to provide athletic opportunities to individuals with disabilities so that they can improve their quality of life through recreation and sport.
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Founder and CEO, Dr. Michael Dearinger, is a physician who works with individuals with disabilities and understands the importance of sport and exercise for mental and physical health and well-being. He has witnessed first-hand how debilitating injuries and birth defects can be when individuals do not have access to proper equipment. He has also seen disabled athletes thrive when they are given the equipment and support needed in their sport. Through his almost fifteen years of volunteer experience with various organizations, as well as his professional work as a physician, he has developed a passion to help others who have a deep desire to overcome and prosper.
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Founder and Chief Operating Officer.
Two of my greatest passions are connecting people and helping others. I have always been motivated by forming communities, big and small, in an effort to foster positive and supportive relationships. Combine this with my love of sports and competition, and GIFTABILITY is the perfect place for me to land. I get to grow a supportive community to champion disabled athletes and help them enjoy competitive endeavors that will boost their morale, confidence, health and all around well-being. This is the dream.
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I am thrilled to be a part of the GIFTABILITY family because I know being active and participating in sports is vital to a person's health and well-being. My athletic passions include basketball and running and I have been involved in each for a majority of my life. I also have a degree in exercise science and thus have a deeper understanding of the benefits of an active lifestyle. I am looking forward to helping GIFTABILITY maximize everyone's opportunity to participate in the sports and activities that they love and that bring so much joy to people's hearts.
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Founder and CEO, Dr. Michael Dearinger, is a physician who works with individuals with disabilities and understands the importance of sport and exercise for mental and physical health and well-being. He has witnessed first-hand how debilitating injuries and birth defects can be when individuals do not have access to proper equipment. He has also seen disabled athletes thrive when they are given the equipment and support needed in their sport. Through his almost fifteen years of volunteer experience with various organizations, as well as his professional work as a physician, he has developed a passion to help others who have a deep desire to overcome and prosper.
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I am excited to be part of the GIFTABILITY team. My life has been spent in sports and my adult life in healthcare as a physician. Being able to combine these two major aspects of my life through GIFTABILITY is fantastic. There are so many physical and mental benefits of being physically active, and I want to share these benefits with others. Being part of a team that brings these benefits to those with disabilities is a blessing and I will strive to enrich as many individuals through this opportunity with GIFTABILITY.